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All grown-ups were first children,but few of them remember it.
I did not understand anything! I should have judged her on the acts and not the words.
我什么都不懂! 我应该根据她做什么而不是说什么来判断她。
If I ordered a general to change into a sea-bird, and if the general did not obey, it would not be the general’s fault. It would be my fault.
We must demand of each one what each one can give.
It is much more difficult to judge oneself than to judge others.
I thought myself rich with a single flower, and I possess only an ordinary rose. 我只拥有一朵普通的玫瑰,我觉得自己很富有。
If you tame me, we will need one another. You will be unique in the world for me.
如果你驯服了我,我们就会彼此需要。 你对我来说是世界上独一无二的。
I will look at you from the corner of your eye and you will not say anything. Language is a source of misunderstanding.
我会从你的眼角注视着你,你什么也不说。 语言是误解的根源。
If you come at four o’clock in the afternoon, at three o’clock I shall begin to be happy.
Go and see the roses again. You will understand that yours is unique in the world.
One sees only with the heart. What is essential is invisible to the eye.
It’s the time you lost for your rose that makes your rose so important.
You become responsible forever for what you have tamed. You’re responsible for your rose.
What beautifies the desert is that he hides a well somewhere.
They go into the rapids, but they do not know what they are looking for.
The eyes are blind. You must seek with your heart.
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- content-disposition (47)
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- math.pow (44)
- 原型和原型链 (63)
- canvas mdn (36)
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- promise mdn (39)
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- css ::after (50)
- border-image-slice (40)
- flex mdn (37)
- .join (41)
- function.apply (60)
- input type number (64)
- weakmap (62)
- js arguments (45)
- js delete方法 (61)
- blob type (44)
- math.max.apply (51)
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